Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Habits: First Things First shortcut

With the recent update to the app, we added second shortcut to the application, the one to start the First Things  First page. Some users requested to have ability to change start page, to point to FTF page. So, now you'll find 2 "My Effectiveness Habits" shortcuts on your phone, one openning the main dashboard page, the other leading straight to the FTF page.

After a bit of thinking and using, we come to conclusion that this may confuse users. So, with the next update we will probably remove the second shortcut, the FTF one. Instead, we will add a widget shortcut, with the same functionality: to open FTF page directly from the desktop.

Update: second shortcut made it impossible to start the app from the market, so we removed it. For going directly to FTF, we'll add a widget-shortcut.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Setting a Goal to an Action

When you enter the First Things First page, you can add an Action directly from there. That Action won't have any goal and role set. Now you can connect this Action to a Goal (consequently, to a Role). To do so, you need to long-click on the (goal) text or use Menu > Set Goal:

Note: You can set a Goal of a Single Action only - if an Action has a parent, changing its Goal would lead to a situation, when two actions, Parent and Child, have different goals. Same applies to Actions having sub-actions - can't change their goal.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Effectiveness Habits: Role visualizing

One of the most important technics in productivity, goal setting and reaching is visualization. Almost all of the books on productivity emphasize the importance of visualizing what you want to reach/do/get.

Today we updated the Habits application with a cool function that will help you visualize your Roles. Choose a picture from you phone's gallery or take a picture and attach it to a Role. Now you'll not only have the Role name (i.e. textual description), but also a graphical image that will help you create a better understanding what your role is, create a visual description. The idea is simple and very powerful at the same time:

To attach an Image/Picture to your Role:
1. Open the Role
2. Long-click on the human icon in the top-left corner near the Role name
3. Choose the image/picture source: Camera or Gallery
4. Take a picture or Attach an image, depending on what you have chosen in step 3.

Monday, January 2, 2012

My Effectiveness Habits: high level overview diagram

The diagram below shows the basic flow within the application:

It gives the overview at the highest level, should give a basic picture of the application concept (and the book concept, to some level)