Sunday, December 27, 2020

What do you hate most about My Effectiveness app?

If you are a relatively long time user of the My Effectiveness, what is your most hated thing about it? Would appreciate if you'd shared it in the comments. Anonymously, if you want to avoid publicity


  1. I just installed and it is quite amazing, but little instructions on how to use it effectively. Too much trial and error.

  2. It is a perfect app for wht I was looking for. I've Never had one as good MyE, that works (is working) for my mind system.

    What I hate the most is I didn't find a web version of it, Would love to have an account to keep using as well, not the google drive stuff.

    1. Unable to restore in new phone from backup cloud. My other phone got water damaged.

    2. Same problem restoring from back up.

    3. Same here..😭😢

  3. Great App! Please offer a Desktop (win) version

    1. Also would be great to have the desktop version sync well with android version.

  4. Web App (online) is better than desktop app, and could get packaged later for desktop (e.g. via electron). An API would also be great!

  5. Great app - need to be able to sync with my laptop (i.e. we need a desktop app)

  6. Yes, it would be very nice to have a web-app version that syncs with the great android app, this would be perfect!

  7. +1 - I agree, a desktop or webapp would be a terrific addition. That was my same suggestion back in 2014 :)

  8. Navigation is completely counterproductive. Nothing is easy to reach, the separate sections do not seem to link to each other intuitively, and sometimes what I've added seems hidden and I have to go and dig it up.
    This app has everything needed really - it just needs to be organised for usability.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Please can you tell me why I am still seeing adds? When I have paid for ad free access

    1. Hi Karlos, there was a bug in the purchasing part of the app, we think we've just fixed it - can you please check if it's working? If not, please send us the order number - we'll issue a refund and you can buy another one, if you want

  11. A desktop or webapp would be a great feature. That was my same suggestion frorm many years ::::(
    But unfortunatley nobody willing to explain, why this not implemented or what is psychology behind that to not have desktop or webapp.

    Rest everthing is great.

    1. I'd like to second this! If this app were to have a desktop app where I could sync and coordinate I would absolutely use this above everything else.

      Unfortunately for clients I have to also use a reporting system through, but sadly that system has a terrible pomodoro timer and almost no productivity systems. I'd love it if I could narrow it down to a single app.

  12. It's the best! We need a desktop/webapp please. (It's really the best)

  13. I hate:
    - not being able to access the app from multiple devices (MacOs, Web, iOS).
    - not having some way to "search" or filter by keyword.

    Retrieving task become daunting, when there are really many (especially long term stuff that clutters for years), that don't appear in the small view/screen of a phone.

    A search by title & description would be great (but probably more difficult to implement).
    Otherwise a Tag system would be great, to filter by arbitrary parameters that don't come from the GTD model.
    I'm writing my own tagging system; ideally I'd love to integrate it into MyEffectiveness ^_^

    About cross-platform portability:
    having a web-app would be great for use from whatever device.
    And other storage options for push/pull backups; Google is secure but isn't private.
    WebDAV would be the best option.


  14. My biggest concern is that there is no easy way to see if tasks are past their due date. I had requested a sort by task date for the priority matrix ages ago (was not implemented), but even that is limited because they are split into the 4 quadrants. I need either overdue tasks to float to the top and be marked differently or to have a single flat-list view of all tasks stored by due date.

    Also might help if recommend the book corresponding to the system of this app.
