Tuesday, July 19, 2011

JustExpenses: bug - FIXED

Have just uploaded minor version with fix for the bug - now app widgets must survive system reboot

Monday, July 11, 2011

JustExpenses: bug

I found a bug with recent feature implemented in the JustExpenses: the QuickTag widget - if you, for some reason, reboot your phone, widgets do not restore their state.

To be frank, it was a surprise for me when I found it after my phone went off due to battery discharge. I'm looking into the issue and the fix will be out soon. Meanwhile, if you faced the problem you just need to recreate the widgets.

And, of course, you can post other things that bother you or you want to enhance, here, in the comments. Or, at ksasdk@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New android app: True Loan Rate Calculator

Have just uploaded a new application to the Android Market: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.andtek.wetnose.ecp - True Loan Rate(formerly, True Borrowing Cost). TLR helps you to compare real costs of loans (mortgage, mainly) in different banks: it is a relative measure. It calculates loan annuity and differential payments.

TLR takes into account a lot of different parameters that banksIt mainly reflects Russian mortgage system, but math is same across the world and many if not most loan calculations are same also, so you can apply them locally. Please, feel free to ask any questions.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Idea behind the application is to have an application which is quick and pleasant to use, has nothing disturbing in control and UI. I tried to make it maximum unobtrusive, which, I think, I succeeded.

One of the things I like is the paging through expense screen by finger. It is not ideal, but it really cool and one of the things other applications don't offer.

Meet the JustExpenses:


+ It has just what you need to track money spent

+ pleasure to use: no extra elements on screen, nice paging
+ quick: write down expense in 2 types + 2 clicks
+ easy
+ it IS powerful enough: sorting, filtering, grouping