Friday, September 14, 2018

Color scheme

How often or do you even use different color themes within the app?


  1. Hi! I actually change the color periodically when I feel I need to, and I think it's not about one's preference.

    1. Thanks for the comment! I ask because I'm thinking about changing the call scheme from one-through-whole-app to one-through-one-section. I.e., notes would have their own color, goals - another, etc.

    2. Hello
      Great app,but i would really appreciate if you could display all the tasks that are overdue.

      Thank you for your work!!

  2. Add an option to pay for removing advertisements and add an option to add subtasks..

  3. Adds are disturbing.

  4. Unrelated... but... I'd like ot be able to use My Effectiveness on my pc. I understand another release for pc would be really too much work, but I do have Bluestacks, and there are some apps that I can use both on bluestacks and my phone, been able to work on both and having hte data updated on both. Some other don't and that's what I see on My effectiveness. Is there a way to handle that? Thanks!

  5. Hi and thankyou for such a useful, solid and effective app! Regarding color, Ive changed it some- I like red for important urgent and warm colors - yellow, orange for similar. I go for cool colors on less urgent.
    Regarding chroma and vibrance, you could introduce tonal value for more subdued appearance and variety (Fall browns/golds colorscheme or Summer greens etc.) I love the current simplicity though, so as long as the option doesnt compromise the current success in any way, all good.
